Extended 17th SOT meeting

Provisional agenda of extended 17th SOT meeting (Final, v.06/04/17)

Date: 2006/4/17-20
Place:NAOJ, MITAKA campus

Big Seminar room, Subaru Data Analysis Bldg. 1F

Announcement from the organizer

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2006/04/17 Monday

0. Opening session [ S.Tsuneta and T.Tarbell ]

1. Introduction to Solar Optical Telescope (SOT): chair B. W. Lites

12:00-13:15 lunch

2. Calibration and performance of SOT instrument: chair A. Title

2006/04/18 Tuesday
2'. Calibration and Performance of SOT instrument: chair Y.Suematsu
3. Commissioning Phase with science priorities: chair E.DeLuca
12:00-13:15 lunch
3'. Commissioning Phase with science priorities: chair E.DeLuca

Note: In this session, overview of the initial engineering phase and initial observation plan (=scientific priority) will be presented from each instrument team of the Solar-B for mutual understanding. Organized operation plan for 3 telescopes will be discussed later on (4/20) based on these presentations.

4. Collaboration of SOLAR-B and groundbased observatories: chair G.Doschek

[[ party ]]

2006/04/19 Wednesday
4'. Collaboration of SOLAR-B and groundbased observatories: chair J.Wang
10min break
(4' continued) chair J.Harvey

Note: We like to call active contributions of the participants in this session. Proposal of groundbased observations with the emphasis on collaborative aspect with SOT and suggestions or proposals to SOT are expected.

12:00-13:15 lunch
5. SOT data analysis and methodology/software development: chair T. Tarbell
10min break
( 5 continued ) chair T.Sakurai

Note: We like to call active contributions of the participants in this and the following session. Proposal for applications of existing software to SOT data and collaborative developments of analysis software are expected.

2006/04/20 Thursday
5'. SOT data analysis and methodology/software development: chair S. Tsuneta
12:00-13:15 lunch
6. Joint planning of SOT/XRT/EIS observations Discussion leader: T.Shimizu and L.Culhane*

Note: This session is dedicated for discussions of joint planning with the three telescopes. The goal is to create a plan for organized mission operation in the engineering and initial scientific observation periods, or at least, to identify any conflicts among the three telescopes and to generate action items for further iteration before the launch. The outcome of the discussion will be reviewed in the Science Working Group meeting on the next day. The session is led by the Solar-B core members, but people with interest are welcome to join.

6'. ( Parallel session ) Discussion leader: S.Tsuneta and C.Keller*
7. Discussion and Summary: chair T.Tarbell and S.Tsuneta

2006/04/21 Friday (Solar-B internal)
SOLAR-B Science Working Group meeting at ISAS/JAXA*

2006/04/22 Saturday> (SOT internal)
SOT development team technical meeting
Organizers: Chris Hoffmann (LMATC), Yukio Katsukawa (NAOJ)

Extended SOT#17 organizing committee
Saku Tsuneta (NAOJ) saku.tsuneta@nao.ac.jp
Ted Tarbell (LMSAL) tarbell@lmsal.com
Bruce Lites (HAO) lites@ucar.edu
Kiyoshi Ichimoto (NAOJ) ichimoto@solar.mtk.nao.ac.jp
Tonooka Hideaki (NAOJ) tonooka@solar.mtk.nao.ac.jp
Masahito Kubo(JAXA/ISAS) mkubo@solar.isas.jaxa.jp
Reiko Asakura (NAOJ) asakura@solar.mtk.nao.ac.jp