Hinode-13/IPELS 2019

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Intermittent evolution of heliospheric magnetized structures: from Solar Braids to Magnetic Knots

The observations of braided solar magnetic fields opens a new venue for an interpretation of various solar and interplanetary phenomena. Direct imaging of the coronal fields pinpoints to their braiding structure, large solar wind field reversal and intermittent fading of energetic flare ions suggest that coronal braided field may have been carried by the solar wind. The interconnection between the mathematical braids and knots is applied to the topologically non-trivial magnetized structures and their dynamics, from solar corona to the interplanetary medium. The analysis of braided magnetic configurations results in conjectures regarding (i) their stability under large oscillations of magnetic loops, (ii) the structure and stability of the coronal field through successive emergence/decay of heated magnetic braids, and (ii) their evolution into the solar wind. These conjectures will add to the understanding of the physical processes in the lab and space, particularly in the dynamo produced magnetic structure with an anticipation of data by Parker Solar Probe.

Ilan Roth
University of California, Berkeley, CA
United States


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