Hinode-13/IPELS 2019

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Thermal Structures and Plasma Motions in Current Sheet of Eruptive Solar Flares

Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process in converting the magnetic energy to the thermal and kinetic energy of hot flare plasmas and the accelerated particles. Based on the EUV imaging and spectroscopic observations, we show thermal structures and plasma motions in the current sheet of eruptive solar flares. A combination of an estimate of multiple thermal components represented by the differential emission measure from high-cadence imaging observations and multiple emission-line analysis from the spectroscopy is utilized in this study for understanding the evolution of the thermal structure of a current sheet in solar flares. We also report the spatial relationships between turbulent motions recognized by the enhanced line broadening and the thermal structure of the current sheet in association with the heating of the current sheet.

Hirohisa Hara
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan


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