Hinode-13/IPELS 2019

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Fast filament eruption on 2017 April 23 detected by the Solar Dynamics Doppler Imager (SDDI)

On 2017 April 23, a fast filament eruption was observed by the Solar Dynamics Doppler Imager (SDDI) in operation on SMART telescope at Hida Observatory. The eruption was captured in a wide spectral window around the H-alpha line center, spanning from -9 to +9 A. In this work we investigate the dynamics of the filament eruption taking advantage of the unprecedented line-of-sight information provided by the SDDI. The spectral analysis reveals signatures of blue-shifted plasma up to -8 A, indicating that the material was ejected with a velocity of ~365 km s^-1 along the line-of-sight. The maximum transversal velocity and acceleration estimated from time-distance measurements are about 450 km s^-1 and 2 km s^-2, respectively, exhibiting a rapid exponential-like rise. Considering the derived kinematics properties, we examine the association of the filament eruption with a fast (~955 km s^-1) coronal mass ejection (CME) observed later on. We also discuss the importance and difficulties of determining the real mass motion of the filament eruption by using H-alpha images especially in direction of the line-of-sight, which is a crucial aspect to predict the occurrence of Earth-affecting CMEs.

Denis P. Cabezas
Kyoto University

Kiyoshi Ichimoto
Kyoto University

Ayumi Asai
Kyoto University

Kenichi Otsuji
Kyoto University

Takako T. Ishii
Kyoto University

Satoru UeNo
Kyoto University

Daikichi Seki
Kyoto University

Kazunari Shibata
Kyoto University


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