Hinode-13/IPELS 2019

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Construction of Solar Flare EUV Emission Spectral Prediction Model

To construct a solar flare EUV emission spectrum prediction model based on the physics of flare, we are searching for the physical parameters which characterize solar flare emission spectra. In this study, we examined 53 flare events larger than M3-class from the Hinode flare catalogue (Watanabe et al., 2012), which were simultaneously observed with the SDO/EVE MEGS-A. As a result, we found that the “GOES soft X-ray peak flux” were well correlated with the “EUV peak intensity” for all Fe lines. We also found the good relationship for the duration of flare emissions. Moreover, we found that hotter lines peaked earlier than cooler lines. From these results from statistical researches, we determined that the EUV emission can be explained by X-ray emission. We also examined geometrical features of flare ribbons for 32 flare events observed by SDO/AIA, in order to consider which parameter was strongly effect to the time evolution of solar flares. As a result, we found that “flare emission duration” were correlated with “distance between two ribbons” and "ribbon length", and ribbon distance showed better correlation than ribbon length. Therefore, it can be estimated that flare duration is mainly correlated with flare loop length. Then, we performed numerical simulations using observational parameters obtained above statistical results. In this calculation, we used numerical model that can be reproduced the plasma conditions in flare loop (Imada et al., 2015). In this paper, we show some results of numerical simulations, and will discuss which parameters strongly control the solar flare EUV emission spectra by comparing with observed data.

Shohei Nishimoto
National Defense Academy

Kyoko Watanabe
National Defense Academy

Shinsuke Imada
Nagoya University

Toshiki Kawai
Nagoya University

Tomoko Kawate
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

Kyoung-Sun Lee
The University Of Alabama In Huntsville
United States


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