Hinode-13/IPELS 2019

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Understanding the Evolution of He II Emission in Solar Flares

In this work, we describe a method to construct a global model of a solar flare arcade. We derive a method to empirically recreate the changing geometry of the flare, in particular the ribbon expansion and loop lengths with time. We then validate the model by comparing against SDO/AIA and MinXSS soft X-ray spectra for a set of five well-observed flares. With this validated model, we then synthesize the optically-thick He II 256 A line emission as might be seen by Hinode-EIS, as well as SDO/AIA 304 He II emission, that we then contrast with actual observed quantities seen by those instruments for a large flare. We demonstrate that the quantities can be used to tightly constrain the properties of the energy deposition in the chromosphere.

Jeffrey Reep

Harry Warren

George Doschek

Nicholas Crump

Graham Kerr


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