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Overview of the Basic Plasma Science Facility: the physics of waves relevant to space plasmas
The Basic Plasma Science Facility (BaPSF) at UCLA is a US national
user facility for studies of fundamental processes in magnetized
plasmas. The centerpiece of the facility is the Large Plasma Device
(LAPD), a 20m long, magnetized linear plasma device~\cite{lapd}. This
LAPD has been utilized to study a number of fundamental processes,
including: collisionless shocks~\cite{shocks}, dispersion and damping
of kinetic and inertial Alfv\'{e}n waves~\cite{iowa}, flux ropes and
magnetic reconnection~\cite{fluxr}, three-wave interactions and
parametric instabilities of Alfv\'{e}n waves~\cite{3w}, turbulence and
transport~\cite{schaff} and interactions of energetic ions and
electrons with plasma waves~\cite{chirp}. An overview of research
using the facility will be given, followed by a more detailed
discussion of studies of the nonlinear physics of Alfv\'{e}n
waves~\cite{decay} and the propagation of Alfv\'{e}n waves in
multi-ion plasmas. Recent experiments have resulted in the first
laboratory observation of the parametric instability of shear
Alfv\'{e}n waves. Shear waves with sufficiently high
$\omega/\Omega_{\rm c,i}$ ($> 0.6$) and above a threshold wave
amplitude are observed to decay into co-propagating daughter waves;
one a shear Alfv\'{e}n wave and the other a low-frequency
quasimode. The observed process is similar to the modulational decay
instability. The second study has focused on the propagation of shear
Alfvén waves in plasmas with two ion species, for example He and
Ne. Two distinct propagation bands are observed, bounded by $\omega <
\Omega_{\rm Ne}$
and $\omega_{ii} < \omega < \Omega_{\rm He}$, where $\omega_{ii}$ is the ion-ion hybrid frequency~\cite{vincena}. The
polarization properties of these waves have been documented, showing
that in the the lower band the waves are linearly polarized, while in
the upper band the waves are primarily left-hand polarized.
W. Gekelman, et al., Review of Scientific Instruments {\bf 87}, 025105 (2016).
A.S. Bondarenko, et al., Nature Physics {\bfseries 13}, 573 (2017).
C.A. Kletzing, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bfseries 104}, 095001 (2010).
W. Gekelman, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bfseries 116}, 235101 (2016).
G. Howes, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bfseries 109}, 255001 (2012).
D.A. Schaffner, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bfseries 109}, 135002 (2012).
B. Van Compernolle, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bfseries 114}, 245002 (2015).
S. Dorfman and T.A. Carter, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bfseries 116}, 195002
S. Vincena, et al., Geophys. Rev. Lett. {\bfseries 38}, L11101 (2011)