Hinode-13/IPELS 2019

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Plasma acceleration during magnetic reconnection in the terrestrial magnetosphere, laboratory, and at the Sun

What can we learn about plasma acceleration during magnetic reconnection at the Sun from recent in-situ measurements made at Earth in space and the laboratory? We will have an overview on electron and ion acceleration as revealed by the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) measurements in the reconnection region where the plasma is decoupled from the magnetic field as well as further downstream. The picture emerged from MMS observations will be compared with the results from the Magnetic Reconnection eXperiment in the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Kinetic simulations will take part to bridge what is learned at Earth and what happens at the Sun.

Li-Jen Chen
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
United States

Masaaki Yamada
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
United States

the MMS team


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