Hinode-13/IPELS 2019

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Modeling of astrophysical jets under conditions of laser relativistic magnetoactive plasma

The results of the development of the model of astrophysical jets as an autowave process of generating a sequence of magnetized vortex plasma compositions are presented. This process was simulated in a laser plasma under conditions of superstrong (≥ 100 MG) magnetic fields. The formation in plasma of magnetized vortex plasma compositions propagating in opposite directions from a laser target with an anomalously small divergence was investigated. It is shown that such structures can be classified as plasma Alfvén vortex solitons and that astrophysical jets arising in a dissipative system with accretion under conditions of a strong magnetic field can have a similar structure.

Vadim Belyaev
Central Research Institute of Mashine Building

Anatoly Matafonov
Central Research Institute of Mashine Building

Boris Zagreev
Central Research Institute of Mashine Building


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