Hinode-13/IPELS 2019

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Solar Orbiter and possible synergy science with Solar-C_EUVST

The Solar Orbiter Mission of ESA and NASA is set to be launched in February 2020 into a final, highly elliptical orbit that will bring it close to the Sun, while with time becoming increasingly inclined to the ecliptic. The powerful suite of remote-sensing and in-situ instruments in combination with its unique orbit will make Solar Orbiter well suited to fulfilling its overarching objective of determining how the Sun creates and controls the heliosphere and why solar activity changes with time. In addition, Solar Orbiter will provide many unique opportunities for co-observations with resources observing along the Sun-Earth line, in particular once the nominal mission has started in early 2022. A number of exciting possibilities of doing joint and complementary science with Solar-C_EUVST are identified and briefly presented.

Sami Solanki


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