Hinode-13/IPELS 2019

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Wave modes excited by photospheric p-modes & mode conversion in footpoints of coronal loops

The solar corona may be heated by waves, which are ubiquitous in the solar atmosphere. There are indications that they are excited by photospheric p-modes. However, it is unclear how p-modes in coronal loops are converted to sausage modes and transverse (kink) modes, which are observed in the corona. We aim to investigate how those wave modes are excited in the lower corona by photospheric acoustic waves. We build 3D magnetohydrostatic loop systems with different inclinations spanning from the photosphere to the lower corona. These atmospheres are then simulated numerically, where we perturb the equilibrium with a p-mode driver at the bottom of the domain. By splitting the velocity perturbation into components longitudinal, normal, and azimuthal to the magnetic flux surfaces we can study the wave behavior. Depending on whether the driver polarization has a component perpendicular to the flux tubes or not, we find that both kink and deformed sausage waves or only sausage waves are excited. In addition, we calculate a wave conversion factor (0 \le C \le 1) from acoustic to magnetic wave behavior by taking the ratio of the mean magnetic energy flux to the sum of the mean magnetic and acoustic energy flux and compare it to a commonly used theoretical conversion factor. We find that between magnetic field inclinations of 10º to 30º those two methods lie within 40%. For smaller inclinations the absolute deviation is smaller than 0.1.

Julia M. Riedl
KU Leuven

Tom Van Doorsselaere
KU Leuven


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