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Using tracer particles to study the density variations of fibrils
We present 3D radiation-MHD simulations of the Sun, from the corona to the convection zone,
using the Bifrost code with the new “corks” module. We then use corks to address the question,
“what are the physical mechanisms that supply the solar chromosphere with mass?”
The corks module allows us to insert passive tracer particles into our simulations and follow the
experiment from a Lagrangian viewpoint, as well as the Cartesian solution provided by the
underlying method. Tracer particles are injected and pruned from the simulation in order to avoid
voids and gluts of corks that results form compressive and expanding flows.
In this part of the project, we consider the tracer particles in fibrils at a given time of the simulation,
then trace these particles both forward and backward in time. This allows us to analyse the origins
and destinations of the plasma elements, and thereby address the question posed above. We present
our findings on the changes to mass density, height, and temperature of the plasma elements over
time, and link the journey of this plasma to the forces acting on the fibrils.