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Predictions of DKIST/DL-NIRSP observations for an off-limb kink-unstable coronal loop
I present predictions for the observational signatures of the Diffraction Limited Near-Infrared SpectroPolorimiter (DL-NIRSP) instrument on DKIST, focused on a kink-unstable coronal flux rope. Synthetic intensity maps are generated from a 3D numerical simulation to make a prediction of the observational signatures of energy transport and release. The reconstructed large field-of-view intensity mosaics and single tile sit-and-stare high-cadence image sequences show detailed, fine-scale structure and exhibit signatures of wave propagation, redistribution of heat, flows and fine-scale bursts. Our results demonstrate that the coronal off-limb mode of DKIST/DL-NIRSP will be able to detect multiple independent signatures of a kink-unstable loop and observe small-scale transient features including loop braiding/twisting and small-scale reconnection events occurring at the radial edge of the loop. We present these results and compare them to the observational signatures detectable using existing instruments, namely Hinode/EIS and AIA/SDO.