Hinode-13/IPELS 2019

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Plenary session: Solar cycles and dynamos

Thursday, 5 September 2019
09:30 - 10:50

Ito Hall

Chair: Edward DeLuca, Center for Astrophysics - Harvard & Smithsonian

 9:30 - 10:00  Solar dynamo: achievements and perspective.

10:00 - 10:30  A Laboratory Model for the Parker Spiral and Solar Wind.

10:30 - 10:50  Solar Soft X-ray Variations from the 2008 - 2019 Solar Cycle inferred from CORONAS/SphinX, GOES/XRS, Hinode/XRT, MinXSS, NuSTAR, and RHESSI Instruments.

Solar dynamo: achievements and perspective
Hideyuki Hotta, Chiba university, Japan
A Laboratory Model for the Parker Spiral and Solar Wind
Cary Forest, University of Wisconsin, Madison, United States
Solar Soft X-ray Variations from the 2008 - 2019 Solar Cycle inferred from CORONAS/SphinX, GOES/XRS, Hinode/XRT, MinXSS, NuSTAR, and RHESSI Instruments
Christopher Moore, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, United States
Aki Takeda, Montana State University, United States
Barbara Sylwester, Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Janusz Sylwester, Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Iain Hannah, SUPA School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Brian Dennis, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, United States
Katharine Reeves, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, United States
Thomas Woods, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado-Boulder, United States


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