Final Announcement
The Third Hinode Science Meeting Dear Participants, As we are to meet in Tokyo in about a fortnight's time, both the SOC and the LOC are working hard to finalize the preparation for Hinode-3. Here are a few things we would like you to note: 1)Your presentation: in the following web page, the detailed programme, from which you will know if your presentation has been given an oral slot or a poster slot by the SOC. 2)Conference Dinner: if you are planning to attend the conference dinner Wednesday evening, but have not signed up yet, please do so quickly because of the limited amount of seats available. 3)Entry to the conference venue: Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall is rather security conscious and would not like to see strangers wandering into the building. Once you register and get your name tag, the name tag will identify you as a participant. To register, however, you would need to get in. Each registered participant must have received a temporal pass by email. If you have not, please let us know. 4)Proceedings: the proceedings of the meeting will be published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, as one of their conference series (editors: Takashi Sekii, Tetsuya Watanabe and Takashi Sakurai). Page limits will be 8 pages for invited talks and 4 pages for the contribution papers, and the manuscript submission deadline is 15 January 2010. More detailed info will become available at the meeting website. We look forward to seeing you in Tokyo soon. |
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