Termination of the solar data-analysis environment service on SDAS

Dear the users of Solar Data Analysis System (SDAS),

Thank you very much for using our system.
Since starting the open-use of SDAS in March 2013, about 5 years have already passed. The computer systems of Astronomy Data Center (ADC)/NAOJ, which includes SDAS, is replaced every 5 years. We are working on the system replacement now, to open a new system in March 2018. Due to the system replacement, the configuration of SDAS is dramatically changed, and the service of the solar data-analysis environment on SDAS is terminated when the current SDAS shuts down. In this page, we describe the open-use solar data-analysis environment on new ADC system.

  1. Termination of the solar data-analysis environment service on SDAS

    The service of the open-use solar data-analysis environment on SDAS is terminated when the current SDAS shuts down. Concretely, after the shutdown, you will NOT able to use the SDAS-VPN system and access the IDL servers (sagami.mtk.nao.ac.jp, suruga.mtk.nao.ac.jp). Moreover, you will NEVER able to access all your data on SDAS again.

    Your account and data will NOT transfer to new system!

    Please transfer your data on SDAS to your local machines by yourself.

    The current SDAS is shutdown on 13 February 2018 (JST).

    Please transfer your data on SDAS to your local system by 12 February 2018.

    The new SDAS focuses on the data archive and data providing services for supporting the solar projects of NAOJ. We are serving the data providing function on the web server (solarwww.mtk.nao.ac.jp, hinode.nao.ac.jp, solar.nro.nao.ac.jp) and FTP server (solar-pub.nao.ac.jp) on the current system now. The services are continued on the new SDAS without any large changes.

  2. The solar data-analysis environment on the open-use data-analysis system of ADC.

    ADC has the large open-use data-analysis system for analyzing the data obtained with SUBARU telescope and ALMA. Hereafter, we call the system “ADC system”. We provide the solar data-analysis environment on ADC system as the alternative environment on SDAS. Even now you can use the solar data-analysis environment on ADC system. However, you need the account of ADC system because the SDAS account cannot be used for ADC system. If you want to use the environment, please submit the application form for requesting your account of ADC system from the following URL.


    ADC system does NOT have directly connections to SDAS. Hence, your data on SDAS are NEVER transferred to ADC system automatically. If you want to use your data, which are created on SDAS, on ADC system, please transfer them from SDAS to ADC system by yourself.

    In SDAS case, researchers, who are employed by non-Japanese institutes, had been able to submit the account application of SDAS if they have introducers who are employed by Japanese institutes. On the other hand, in ADC system case, only the staffs of NAOJ can become introducers. If you are employed by non-Japanese institutes and want to use ADC system, please contact with your collaborator who is a staff of NAOJ, firstly. Nevertheless, it might be not easy that such a researcher gets the account of new ADC system that is opened in March 2018, like in SDAS case, because the pressure of improving the security of our observatory is increasing. The rule for new ADC system is not fixed yet, and we are discussing with parties concerned now. However, there is a possibility that we request extra documents for an account application to a researcher who is employed by the non-Japanese institute, unfortunately. Thank you for your understanding in advance.

    The manual of the ADC system is located on


    and the manual of the SSW-IDL on the ADC system is located on

    http://hinode.nao.ac.jp/SDAS/SSW-IDL_on_ADC_E.shtml .

    ADC system is also replaced to the new system in January and February. Hence, the planned service suspension will happen sometimes. Please check the announcements from ADC on the following URL.
