About the Meeting

The solar atmosphere is filled with various types of heating and dynamic phenomena. These include the dynamo mechanism that creates the magnetic field, magneto-convection and MHD waves that transport energy via magnetic fields, MHD instabilities that result in large-scale explosions like flares and CMEs, and magnetic reconnection that transiently dissipates magnetic energy. All of these are physical mechanisms that work ubiquitously in the universe, and they have all been extensively studied in laboratory experiments and theoretical investigations.
Recent space-borne observatories such as Hinode, SDO, and IRIS have been providing high spatial resolution observations of dynamics in the solar atmosphere. New advanced facilities will also start their observations in the coming years. The 4-m aperture DKIST will have first light in 2019. Parker Solar Probe has just been launched, and together with Solar Orbiter, to be launched in 2020, will investigate plasma in the solar atmosphere by making a close approach to the Sun.
At the dawn of this new era, it is important to review recent observations by Hinode, SDO, IRIS and all other observatories, recent progress in space and laboratory plasma physics, and to have stimulating discussions on the future direction of laboratory and space plasma research.
This is a joint meeting combining the 13-th symposium of the Hinode mission with the 15-th symposium of IPELS (Interrelationship between Plasma Experiments in the Laboratory and in Space).
An abstract submission and registration sites were closed on August 15.
Update on August 8: A web page of instrctions for the oral and poster presentations is released. See Instructions for preparation of your presentation.
Update on August 19: Venue page is updated.
Update on August 31: A web program and pdf of program for oral presentations are updated. See the latest Program.
Update on August 31: A zip file for meeting abstracts is updated. Visit Program to find the file.
Update on September 1: Instructions for 'Presentation File Upload' are released. See Instructions.
Update on September 4: A pdf of instructions for presentation file upload is changed. See Instructions.
Update on September 8: A group photo of participants is released. An original JPG (5.2 MB) is available at here.
Update on October 4: PDFs of presentations (oral and poster) in OpenConf, photos and movies taken during the meeting are available. Visit Presentations (Password required).