Abstract Submission & Registration

Abstract Submission & Registration Sites

  • Abstract Submission (OpenConf)
The Abstract Submission has been closed as scheduled. Thank you for a lot of submissions!
  • Registration (KNT-CT Global Travel CO., LTD.)
The registration has been closed.

Name Tag with Your Photo

We are planning to print your favorite figure or photo (related to your study presented in the meeting) on the back side of your name tag. The purpose of your research related figure/photo on the back is toprovide a trigger for conversations and scientific discussions with participants so that participants may expand your research network more easily. The name tag will be given at the registration.

If you agree with this idea, please send your file to Dr. Takayoshi Oba (oba.takayoshi_at_jaxa.jp) with the attached file. The preferable file format is jpeg, png, or pdf. The name tag is portrait with a size of 105x148 mm. The deadline for your reply is "19th August". If you do not want to have your research figure/photo on the name tag, you do not need to mail to Dr. Oba, and we will leave the back side blank.

Important Dates

2019, Apr. 1… Abstract & registration sites will be open.
2019, May 31… Abstract deadline.
2019, Jun. 7… Early bird registration deadline.
2019, Jun. 30… Science program will be released.
  Update on Jul. 11: The SOC is currently working on the program.
  The release is expected in late July.
  Update on Aug. 6: A web program with abstracts for oral and poster
  presentations is available at here
2019, Aug. 15… Regular registration deadline.
  Update on Jul. 24: The registration period is extended.
  Update on Jul. 26: The number of the participants for excursion on
  7 September is approaching the maximum seat capacity of buses.
  We will close registration for excursion when the seats are completely filled.

Notice: The Metcalf Travel Awards

For early-career qualified* researchers, the Metcalf Travel Awards may be provided by the AAS/SPD with LOC funds. If you want to receive this award, please indicate your award entry in "Remarks" on the registration page by May 31.

* Qualified = received their Ph.D. no earlier than January 2015 or be a student within one year of completing their Ph.D, and not have been an awardee from this program previously.