
Hinode Science Data Downlink Status

Ichiro Nakatani
JAXA Hinode Project Manager

Starting at the end of last year, Hinode's X-band transmitter signal began to experience irregularities in the latter half of each contact with the ground. Science operation continued, and downlink activities were made less frequent and more efficient, in an attempt to remedy the situation. However, due to further increase in the irregularities since early February, the Hinode team is now considering performing downlink with the backup S-band antenna.

Downlink via S-band will result in decreased downlink speed, and this will set limitations on the ability to take continuous observations over extended periods of time [at high cadence]. Nonetheless, all of Hinode's telescopes are still in excellent condition, and in order to minimize the effect on Hinode's original scientific objectives, more efficient data-compression schemes are being implemented and additional JAXA ground stations are planned to be added to downlink scientific data more frequently.

The cause of the X-band anomaly is currently under investigation, and the status of the X-band will continue to be regularly monitored.

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