• Information
  • Notice
  • The "Let's observe the Sun with Hinode 2017" campaign will be carried out from July 31 to Aug. 5 and from Aug.7 to Aug.12.


The "Let's observe the Sun with Hinode 2017" campaign will be carried out from July 31 to Aug. 5 and from Aug.7 to Aug.12.

The campaign "Let's observe the Sun with Hinode" is one of the Hinode Operation Proposals (HOP 173) joined by Japanese junior high/high (JH/H) school students during summer and winter vacations since 2010. It will be carried out this year from July 31 (Mon) to Aug. 5 (Sat) and from Aug.7 (Mon) to Aug.12 (Sat), titled as "Let's observe the Sun with Hinode 2017."

Scientific data sets obtained by Hinode are open to the public not only for research purposes, but for educational purposes, as well. During these campaign periods, Hinode is going to take X-ray full-disk images and partial images for solar active regions around the noon (JST), i. e. 2:00 - 6:00 UT. The campaign provides opportunities for JH and H school students participating in their extracurricular astronomical club activities to promote their own researches, and to compare their observational results with the Hinode images. Until now twenty five schools and/or facilities took part in the series of the campaign, and they submitted reports on the results. Some of them submitted presentations to the prefectural-level science contests in Japan. Urawa-Nishi high school successfully observed a solar flare during the campaign period last year and they had a presentation in the junior session of the ASJ (Astronomical Society of Japan) spring meeting in 2017.

The campaign also draws increasing attention of foreign solar researchers.

The solar activity is declining now toward the minimum and the number of sunspots appearing on the solar surface becomes smaller, but we hope you can find out interesting research objectives as follows:

  • Where and how sunspots appear on the solar surface in the declining phase of solar activity.
  • The same as above for prominences and dark filaments.
  • Appearance of solar corona before and after the total solar eclipse observed in North America on 2017 Aug. 21. Hinode is expected to see multiple time partial eclipses.

We hope the students will be able to do productive researches at this opportunity. Museums and public observatories are at the same time encouraged to utilize the Hinode data for their exhibitions, and school teachers are also encouraged to do so in their classes.

Please look at the campaign details on the following web page.

HOP173 "EPO campaign observation mainly for high school students"

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