Calibration Information

XRT Through-put

Based on the data circulated by M. Weber on November 18, 2005.

XRT Filters

NameMetalSubstrateFW / Slot
Al/Poly Al 1200 Å Polyimide 2500 Å -
Focal-Plane Filters:
Thin Al/Mesh Al 1600 Å Mesh 82 % FW-2 / Slot 1
Thin Al/Poly Al 1600 Å Polyimide 2500 Å FW-1 / Slot 1
C/Poly C 7000 Å Polyimide 2500 Å FW-1 / Slot 2
Ti/Poly Ti 3000 Å Polyimide 2500 Å FW-2 / Slot 2
Thin Be Be 9 um - 100 % FW-1 / Slot 3
Med Be Be 30 um - 100 % FW-1 / Slot 4
Med Al Al 12.5 um - 100 % FW-1 / Slot 5
Thick Al Al 25 um - 100 % FW-2 / Slot 4
Thick Be Be 300 um - 100 % FW-2 / Slot 5
White Light SiO2 2.5 mm - - FW-2 / Slot 3

(*) Design values.

Wavelength Bandpass


Temperature Response


Count Rate for Solar Structures (DN/pixel)

TargetQuiet SunActive RegionM2 class FlareCoronal Hole
Exposure (sec) 32.0 11.3 4.0 0.5 0.004 0.001 64.0 45.2
Thin-Al/Mesh 850 300 sat. 949 sat. sat. 175 124
Thin-Al/Poly 394 139 sat. 894 sat. sat. 23 16
C/Poly 209 74 sat. 544 sat. sat. 5 3
Ti/Poly 161 57 sat. 386 sat. sat. 5 3
Thin-Be 44 15 1632 204 sat. sat. 0 0
Med-Be 5 2 219 27 sat. 1419 0 0
Med-Al 3 1 111 14 2477 619 0 0
Thick-Al 0 0 14 2 361 90 0 0
Thick-Be 0 0 0 0 23 6 0 0

Based on the XRT data provided by M. Weber on November 18, 2005 and CHIANTI database VERSION 5.2. The references of the model DEMs: "Quiet Sun" , "Active Region" and "Coronal Hole" are from Vernazza & Reeves (1978), and "M2 class Flare" is from Dere & Cook (1979). The saturation occurs, when the count rate is over 3000DN.

XRT Camera Data

Based on "SOLAR-B Soft X-ray Telescope (XRT) Flight CCD Camera System (XRT-S, XRT-E) Data Packege".

CCD camera gain R-port: 59.1 + 0.026 T (oC) [el/DN]
L-port: 58.8 + 0.034 T (oC) [el/DN]
Dark current figure of merit 0.4 [nA/cm2]
Charge transfer efficiency (CTE)
(-93 oC < T < -50 oC)
Parallel transfer: > 0.999996
Serial transfer: > 0.999999
Output linearity Deviation less than 1 % up to 3000 DN
Full well capacity 2.0x105 [el]
Quantum efficiency (QE)(*) 0.93 @ 13Å, 0.61 @ 45Å, 0.46 @ 114Å, 0.56 @ 304Å
Flatness in CCD sensitivity Deviation less than 5%.

(*) Tentative; absolute measurement on the QE of the reference SSD used in the calibration to be performed.

Last revised: 21-July-2016

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